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Words for George Floyd

Yesterday I learned that Evil is not what I expected it to be. The monster that I met did not flash a menacing snarl revealing blood-soaked fangs. It did not foam at the mouth, wild-eyed and deranged. It was worse. It looked indifferent. A sense of superiority so deeply rooted and calcified that as this police officer squeezed the life out of George Floyd the officer’s demeanor remained placid. I thought evil swung its ax with deft precision and swift conviction, guided by a violent burst of hatred. It was worse. Evil crawls. The moment became minutes, giving the officer every opportunity to undo what he’d done. He chose to leave his knee on George’s neck, he made that choice over and over again. That's Evil. George, I am so sorry that it found you. --- Time for this white American to take his head out of the sand Enough ‘Oh no! I can’t believe that it happened again!’ It’s time for the rest of us to join arms with the oppressed of us Instead of waiting for an autopsy To justify this hypocrisy The least that a white man can do Before to another is done what has been done to you.

We all bare the burden of this policeman’s brutality When we turn a blind eye to this sickening reality. Don’t turn off the TV, listen, volume on high To the cries of a man not ready to die In moments before this wrongful fatality Witnesses heated, screaming this man isn’t breathing Wondering what the fuck he did If this is how he is treated Cries for help went unheeded. When it wasn’t needed, Look what his knee did! Nothing less than repulsed they couldn't check for a pulse So all they could do was just stand there, Helpless bystanders, Witnesses to this red white-and-black double-standard. They gonna kill me! He said. Now George is dead. - jb This was a dark day for our country and I regret that I have steered away from the too many dark days that have come before it. Consider this my pledge to face this injustice. To those who know this reality better than I- What can I do to exchange words for positive action? I look to you for guidance. Rest in Peace George Floyd.

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